Resources to help you along your journey.
How to Talk to your Health Care Practitioner?
You’ll need to speak to your health care practitioner to determine if medical cannabis is right for you. The clinical relationship between a health care practitioner and patient is personal and unique. You have a right to advocate for health care that is appropriate for you. Here are some suggestions that might help you to speak to your health care practitioner about whether a prescription for medical cannabis is right for you.
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Share credible information about cannabis and your condition.
If you have found clinical studies or research specific to the condition you experience, bring these studies to the attention of your healthcare provider. “Peer-reviewed” research, or research-based on scientifically controlled studies, can be more helpful than anecdotal accounts, but both may assist your health care practitioner.
Discuss prescribed medication and therapies.
Tell your health care practitioner how you feel, and how you feel when you take medications that have been prescribed or when you tried therapies that have been prescribed. It may be helpful to keep a diary to remember these experiences. What helped you, what did not help you, and what side effects did you experience?
Communicate openly.
Some health care practitioners may be reluctant to discuss cannabis with you, because they are unfamiliar with cannabis, or because they do not see cannabis as a potential option for your particular situation. If that is the case, you can seek other opinions.
Tell your doctor about your cannabis experience.
If you have tried cannabis, tell your health care practitioner what your experience was like, how much and what type you have used, how frequently, and your method of medicating (vaporizing, smoking, ingesting, etc.).
Discuss current prescription medications.
Tell your health care practitioner about all other medications that you are using, especially if they include sleeping medication, tranquilizers, pain medication, antihistamines, cold medications, anti-seizure medication, or antiviral drugs.
Seek medical cannabis expertise.
There are health care practitioners and clinics that have particular expertise with cannabis. Ask your health care practitioner for a referral
Safety precautions when using cannabis.
Cannabis may affect movement and perception and may do so differently depending on the cannabis strain, the individual who uses it, and how and when it has been used. Please discuss potential restrictions with your health care practitioner.
Medical cannabis should not be provided to anyone other than the person it was prescribed for. Our Terms and Conditions confirm your commitment only to use medical cannabis as prescribed by your health care practitioner, and your commitment not to re-sell or otherwise transfer medical cannabis to any other person.
Cannabis should be stored safely and only accessible to persons authorized to access it. Special care should be taken to ensure cannabis is not accessible to children and pets.
If you feel you are at risk of addiction, speak to your healthcare provider or contact an addiction services organization in your area. When using cannabis products we always recommend that you start low and go slow.
These groups, associations and organizations may be helpful to you during your journey with medical cannabis.